Writer’s Impostor Syndrome

I suppose I haven’t really been writing that long (at least not with a commercial goal in mind), so this was bound to happen eventually. I’ve been working on promoting Frozen Secrets, and while I wait, I decided to work on a new series instead of moving the book 2 in the Europa Academy series.

New Adult SF series

I haven’t decided for sure what the new series will be called, but it takes place in space (probably the Delta Velorum and surrounding star systems). The main character is ex-military and current agent/operative of a government-sponsored technology advancement organization. He has a buddy from his military days who’s the pilot of the ship. And he has a friend who is his first officer (or something like that). They have a variety of (mis)adventures. It’ll probably be a rom-dramedy.

But like I said, I’m still only about a quarter into the first draft, so things are still fuzzy and messy.

Plucked from the TBR pile

So I went to one of my son’s basketball games on Saturday, and right before I left and grabbed my phone and did a quick search for a library book that I could download to my old Kindle to read during the game (I know, I’m a horrible parent for not watching the whole game. But in my defense, I only read while he’s sitting on the bench). I happened to find a book that’s been on my TBR list for awhile (Aurora Rising), so I grabbed it.

I’m only about 30% in, but so far this book is amazing.

Impostor Syndrome

So that’s where my first experience with Impostor Syndrome starting kicking in. Up until this point I’ve either looked at other books and said, “Yeah, it’s an okay book, but I write that well (or better).” Or I’ve read books in other genres that I didn’t really compare myself to. But Aurora Rising seems to have all of the qualities of what I’m trying to do with my writing. It’s fast paced enough that it really keeps my attention (a little too well, in fact – I dreamed about it last night). It has tight, witty dialogue. There are enough environmental descriptions as the story progresses that I can get a good feel for the “world.” And on top of all that, it gives out story clues very sparingly and there’s not too much swearing. Did I mention it’s an amazing book so far.

And as I thought all of those things, I compared this book to my current WIP and realized that my writing is nowhere near as good. And then I realized, this is my first real experience with feeling like my writing isn’t good enough. And I’m not sure I like it. But in the end, it will pass, “and probably sooner than it should” (name that movie quote).

What to Do?

I plan to keep reading the book (how could I stop at this point?). And I plan to keep working on my WIP. I know that eventually I’ll have a polished book that I can release into the world. It may still not be as good as this book, but the comparison won’t be as painful (hopefully).

Published by Myles

Author of exciting stories. Inventor of crazy games. 2019 IWSG Anthology - Story Shares 2018 Texas Award.