Kick-Butt Ninjas

I’ve been developing a new series telling the story of a group of college girls who also happen to be Ninjas. My inspiration for this has been every James Bond film ever plus the 1970s Charlie’s Angels TV series (though I was too young too watch it at the time).

Dreams Come True

Truly the inspiration for the series was a dream that I had several months ago. My daughter’s name is Anna, and one of her best friends is named Hannah. I’m sure it causes some confusion among their friend group, but for the most part they enjoy it. In my dream, they had several other friends with names that Continue reading “Kick-Butt Ninjas”

Blog Launch

I suppose it’s about time to send this out into the world. I can’t actually say for sure if this post will be visible on my blog for a few more days because I’m in the process of editing the site. But I can’t finalize the blog layout without a few posts.

So this is to say “here I am” and that I will try and post as regularly as possible. I can’t guarantee that it will consistent or even useful (but I’ll try on both counts). I’m sure some of what I write will be self-promotional and some will just be my inner musings. No way around that.