Quarantine Changes Things

I’m not sure that too many people are reading my blog at this time, but if this site becomes more popular in the future and these blogs actually get read, it will probably look like I can’t stay focused on one project for more than a month or two (y’all don’t even know the half of it).

Promotion Plans

The next step for promoting Frozen Secrets was going to be ordering a print run of 1-2K to giveaway to school libraries throughout the country. The idea there being that a print run like that would probably cost around $2-3K plus shipping from China, and would be about on par with advertising in a library Continue reading “Quarantine Changes Things”

Back on Europa

Excluding a few scenes that needed some heavy rewriting last summer, I haven’t been actively creating storylines in the Europa Academy world for about two or three years. This last month, I decided to dive into it again. And diving in would be a good metaphor, because a good portion of this story will take place in the oceans under the ice.

Reader Excitement

As I mentioned in my previous post, I’ve received enough positive reader feedback that I think it would be best for me to continue to focus on the Europa Academy series before going in another direction. At least, that’s what I’m thinking right now. There may come a tContinue reading “Back on Europa”

Book Launch

These are the last few days before my Frozen Secrets book officially launches. It’s sort of like a birthday, so I figure it will feel like any other day (like when you were a kid and grown-ups asked if you felt any older – ?).

Book Launches and Stuff

I would love nothing better than to host a huge book launch party with signing desk and long lines of fans waiting for a chance to talk to me. But this is my debut novel. And I don’t want to waste my day. I was chatting with a book reviewer a few weeks ago, and she said I should go ahead and do one, that I might be pleasantly surprised.

Tempting, but no.

Continue reading “Book Launch”

Writer’s Impostor Syndrome

I suppose I haven’t really been writing that long (at least not with a commercial goal in mind), so this was bound to happen eventually. I’ve been working on promoting Frozen Secrets, and while I wait, I decided to work on a new series instead of moving the book 2 in the Europa Academy series.

New Adult SF series

I haven’t decided for sure what the new series will be called, but it takes place in space (probably the Delta Velorum and surrounding star systems). The main character is ex-military and current agent/operative of a government-sponsored technology advancement organization. He has a buddy from his military days who’s the pilot of the ship. And he has a friend who is his first officer (or something like that). They have a variety of (mis)adventures. It’ll probably be a rom-dramedy.

But like I said, I’m still only about a quarter into the first draft, Continue reading “Writer’s Impostor Syndrome”

Frozen Secrets cover reveal

I know this is somewhat anti-climactic, but here’s the cover for my first Europa Academy book: Frozen Secrets. I know most other authors (at least the ones I follow on Twitter), make a much bigger deal about their cover reveals. It might be because I’m the one who did the layout, so it just feels normal. Or it might be because of my (limited) experience with book launches.

Cover Reveal

I had the interesting experience of being part of a short story anthology at the beginning of this year (I know it’s the IWSG 2018 anthology, but most of the promotion happened in 2019). We had a big cover reveal with all ten authors (plus the publisher and IWSG) promoting the cover on social media, blogs, etc. It was a very exciting thing to have my mentions on Twitter skyrocket. But in the end, I’m not sure it lead to any additional sales. Certainly, the ten authors were hyped about the coming release, but I don’t know whether that influenced any real readers. So I guess that lead me to the conclusion that for a first-time author, my cover reveal didn’t have to be a big deal.

So here it is:Continue reading “Frozen Secrets cover reveal”

Spacey Teens – In Space

Europa Academy: Book 1 still doesn’t have an official name, but I’m working on it. I’ve been working on this story off and on for the last ten years at least. It’s the story of a mischievous, adventure-seeking boy named Max who finally gets to go to space. He travels to Jupiter’s moon, Europa, with several thousand colonists to live in a new city.  Chaos and excitement ensues.


After I queried this book for 4 or 5 months, I started researching the options a little more. What I discovered is that I think I’m much more cut out for self-publishing. I hate the idea of sitting back and hoping other people are doing what’s best for my book. The real clincher, though, was finding out that Continue reading “Spacey Teens – In Space”

Beta Reader Feedback

As of this writing, the first book in the Europa Academy series is inching closer to self-publication. Since I’ve never done this before, I can’t say exactly how close or far it still is, but I’ll try and post updates.

Fiverr beta readers

A few weeks ago, I employed the services of five Fiverr beta readers (appropriate, right?). I started receiving the feedback last week while I was at a family reunion, and this morning I had a chance to read through it completely. With the exception of one reader who didn’t seem like she had actually read the Continue reading “Beta Reader Feedback”

Identity Crisis

My writing might be having an identity crisis.

It’s the result of two separate events on the same day (coincidence? probably not). I read this week’s newsletter from Mark Dawson, and it included the self-publishing advice he would have given five years ago compared to the advice he would give now. The second thing was hitting a pretty serious obstacle in my story-line.

Mark Dawson’s Advice

Mark Dawson’s advice list had three things on it. They were all good, but it was the third item that really hit me. It was to write what you love. Actually, he said five years ago he would have given the advice to write what people want to read (essentially, write to market), but now he says write what you love. This Continue reading “Identity Crisis”

I Love Action

I’m about 8,000 words into the first draft of the second book in the BANAnas series, and I’ve discovered something interesting.

I love writing action scenes.

Action Movies vs. Romantic Movies

It’s funny to find out that I love writing action scenes, because you would be forgiven for thinking that I don’t consume much action in my entertainment choices. When I sit down to watch a movie with my wife, nine times out of ten, we’ll watch a romantic comedy or a straight-up love story (like Pride and Prejudice). We rarely watch action movies. I’m sad to say that I have missed all of the recent superhero movies (except for Iron Man because I’m an engineer, Continue reading “I Love Action”

No Time

Writing is fifth on my job list. I know it doesn’t seem very fair, particularly because it’s what I want to do more than all of the other things on the list.

(Not Quite) Full-Time Job

The job at the top of my priority list is my full-time job. I guess technically it’s not a full-time job. When they made me the salary offer, I commented that it sounded more like 3/4 time based on our earlier compensation discussions. Their response was, “sure, that would work.” So I go to work every day around Continue reading “No Time”